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Levels and What is Included

Levels 1-3 are developing your gifts. 
Levels 4-6 continues from 1-3 into channeling and spirit communication

Level 1 The Fundamentals: learning to meditate, center, telepathy, protection, opening the chakras (energy centers) self-hypnosis and distant healing


Level 2: Energy and Auras: Aura overview, opening your Cone of Power, feeling the aura, energy balls and a psychic health scan.


Level 3: Tools and Toys: Psychometry, radionics, and using the pendulum, introduction to automatic writing, cyrstal gazing and astral travel.



Level 4: Introduction to Channeling and Spirit Communication: Psychic protection while channeling, art of channeling and the art of spirit communication.


Level 5: Developing the Energy and Skill in Spirit Communication: Clearing and protecting your space, working with your client, and developing your skills.


Level 6: Healing in Spirit Communication: Review of important skills, getting information from spirit, spirit attachments, possession, what to do about it and soul retrieval.

Each level contains multiple exercises with straightforward instructions to help students gain the necessary understanding and tools to develop their skills.


Every level takes approximately 4 weeks to complete, depending on the rate of student development.


Each level will have videos available to watch while the course is in session. homework to complete, and ebooks for each level to download.


You will also receive online live instruction via Zoom each week from Karen and Mary.


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